
荐书:Gregoire Sheila Wray, Rebecca Gregoire Lindenbach, and Joanna Sawatsky. 2021. The Great Sex Rescue : The Lies You’ve Been Taught and How to Recover What God Intended. Grand Rapids Michigan: Baker Books a division of Baker Publishing Group. 2021年出版,美亚有2045个读者评分,平均得分4.8. 此书调查了22,000位基督徒女性,讨论所谓“Purity Culture”对基督徒婚姻的影响。下面简单翻译一篇美亚的书评。然后是作者G.S. Wray的一篇博客文字。 This book is FANTASTIC and revolutionary. Sheila NAILS it, repeatedly, all over the place. I cannot recommend it highly enough for undoing all the terrible things we were taught about sex!...

January 7, 2023 · 6 min · eddy


有一天,某学者群里提及Richard Swinburne的重要著作“Faith and Reason”已经译成中文,繁体由道风出版,简体中文由东方出版社推出。 我的处理方式是引用英文版第2版第1章第1节的全文,对读中文版,并择要简单讨论第2节里的几处。我读的内容就到此为止,所以仅仅涉及读到的部分,对其余的部分我没有评价。脚注从略。我认为值得讨论之处直接拿出来,放在一段后面,用粗体方括号说明我的讨论意见和理由。 The Nature of Belief 第一章 信念的性质 Many religious traditions extol the virtue of faith, and in the Christian tradition faith in God who has revealed himself in Christ is seen as a major virtue. You need it in order to travel the Christian road to Heaven. But what is it to have faith in God? In the Christian tradition there have been various views on this, and in a later chapter I shall need to distinguish between these views....

June 14, 2021 · 14 min · eddy