并非书评(7) | Fellowship:Books or Booking

提前放学回家。因为没有人在家看娃,Emma带着孩子们一起出去查经班了,家里安安静静地。正好找到机会睡了一觉,把一周欠下的瞌睡账还上一点。 这个博客还运行在2018年租用的服务器上,配置已经过时(Dual Xeon 5150,16G DDR2,256G SATA * 2,1G Port * 10T transfer)。早晨看到价格一样,配置升级的服务器(AMD Sexcore,16G DDR3,1Gbit Port: Unmetered,120 GB SSD + 2x 1 TB),略微想了一想,觉得还是应该升级了,就在上课前一分钟下了单。 接下来一周,大概会花一点时间将博客和邮件服务器都迁移到新的这一台上来,减少一台服务器,也减少一点艰难时世下的成本,以及稀缺的服务器运维时间。当然,5个原生美国IPv4,用来注册ChatGPT还是很香的,就不撩拨大家的焦虑了。 这一周的课,生成的梗是“黑米和黑马中间是谁?”答案是“八罗巴”。当然,我们是在讨论和合本对女性名字翻译之轻蔑,比如一个表示美好芬芳之意的名字“Euodia”,生生跟随KJV翻译成了“友阿爹”: The Textus Receptus of the New Testament of Stephen reads Euodia, which means “fragrant,” Philippians 4:2. King James Version has transformed Euodia into Euodias, which is a man’s name. The mistake is rectified in the Revised Version (British and American). 其他的梗,包括我们从头笑到尾的,是关于“这只鸡是星期天宰的吗?”以及早餐不吃“市上买来的肉包子”。不过,有位旁听生听了我的课,大概是更加迷惑的。 有位读者在公众号上的真实友好互动,原文引用如下(与接下来的讨论有关): A:解决工作和生活中的困惑,圣辅有用的。解决双向情感障碍,圣经有用,辅导有用,圣辅单向有用 Q:你这不是说反话吧,我是认真在问的? A:我是认真的。圣辅在治疗上没用,门训上有用。 Q:我不是在抬杠,我只是很多时候确实不知道该怎样将圣经的教导应用到生活或者工作中,所以才问的。虽然这种听起来很怪,或许我不是一个合格的基督徒的关系...

April 14, 2023 · 1 min · eddy


汉锋说,这本书出了中文版,名字叫《述说忧伤》。英文书名应该叫”Speaking of Sadness”,一本很重要的、从患者角度讨论抑郁症的书籍。 看了一下中文版的片段,翻译挺准确的,总体上很好读。我就不做spoiler了。 我读了一点前言,对下面这段话比较感兴趣。 You will see in the last chapter of the book, entitled “Sickness, Self, and Society,” that I quote one of my graduate student mentors, a medical sociologist named Eliot Freidson. I believe his words are powerful enough to repeat here. In his book, Profession of Medicine, written more than 45 years ago, Freidson (1970: 336) maintained that “The relationship of the expert to modern society seems in fact to be one of the central problems of our time, for at its heart lie the issues of democracy and freedom and the degree to which [people] can shape the character of their own lives....

October 17, 2022 · 1 min · eddy

并非书评(2)|When Prophecy Fails

维基百科不允许使用代理ip来编辑了,今年的贡献值大概只能是0了。没什么好抱怨的,就像以赛亚同学所说,我住在嘴唇不洁的民中,需要火钳夹过才行,姑且如此吧。 When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group That Predicted the Destruction of the World is a classic work of social psychology by Leon Festinger, Henry Riecken, and Stanley Schachter, published in 1956, detailing a study of a small UFO religion in Chicago called the Seekers that believed in an imminent apocalypse. The authors took a particular interest in the members’ coping mechanisms after the event did not occur, focusing on the cognitive dissonance between the members’ beliefs and actual events, and the psychological consequences of these disconfirmed expectations....

February 6, 2022 · 2 min · eddy