感恩节假期要到了。明天LPC 教会邀请所有国际学生,USC或者CIU参加传统的感恩节晚宴,吃火鸡。Thanksgiving Day is coming. Tomorrow LPC church invits all international students, including USC and CIU to their traditional thanksgiving turkey dinner.

明晚我要做5分钟的见证,请大家为了我祷告,能够好好地分享福音的信息给所有的国际学生。I have the chance to do 5 mins testimony, so please pray for me, that I can share Gospel to other international students.


David最近时差没调好,每天不是四点就是五点起来。昨天晚上是1点过折腾到4点。晚上我上系统神学课的时候终于睡着了。David does not adjust well for new time schedule. He wakes up at 4 am or 5am, and this morning he got up at 1 am until 4 am. I finally fell to sleep on the systematical theology class. I may need three days to raise again.

今天换了吃饭的时间,希望能够把David睡觉的时间调整好。We changed the feeding schedule to David, hope we can also adjust his sleep as well.
