Lev 19:33 “When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong.

Lev 19:33 若有外人在你们国中和你同居,就不可欺负他。



20 years ago, my friends Joe and Kim came to china. Later they taught English and served for the Lord at Yunnan. I remember one of their Tibetan friends there, who was a Sergeant of local police, once told them to arrange a marriage for his daughter and their 8-years-old son. It’s just a unexpected experience for them, and they said in our culture, we’d like our children to choose what he wants to marry when he grows up.

我想起这件事情,是因为上周在CIU,Emma和我遇到我们的同学,一位长期在中国生活的女孩。他暑假回中国去了一次,遇见一对关系很好的中国夫妻,向她提出让她和他们的儿子结婚。她很震惊,因为她认识那个男孩,已经有女友,他们之间并没有任何关系。所以她说,这需要那个男孩先喜欢她,然后才能考虑。不过,那对夫妻的意图是,他们自己已经移民美国了,但是儿子超龄,所以不能一起移民。他们就想,如果可以娶了这个美国女孩做媳妇,儿子就可以顺利移民了。I just recall this story, for last week at CIU, Emma and I met a girl, who also are serving in China for a long time. She visited China this summer, and met a couple there who used to be good friends. They asked her if she would marry their son. She was shocked, for she knew the boy, who was in loving with a Chinese girl. So she said, it’s not my call to do that, at least let your son like me first, and I may consider. Then she realized the reason: the couple will immigrate to US, but their son is too old to immigrate with them. So they thought if she could marry him, then he could immigrate, too…


The last word she told us was in Chinese, “strange thought,” and we could tell that through her face. Is this a kind of culture shock?



By the way, meet my friends in the new semester is so great. Please pray for Emma’s F1 visa, we are still waiting for that.