1 我若能说万人的方言,并天使的话语,却没有爱,我就成了鸣的锣,响的钹一般。

1 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.



after 6 months in US, there are still many things unknown. Only two weeks ago, Loui told me how to use the mailbox to send mail – I need to raise the little flag to tell mailman to pick the mails. We use CIU mail box, so we did not know it before. and I was trying to find a mail box on the street. 🙂


The other thing is driving. I have driven around 10,000 miles, but I still failed the first road test. I could not back drive straightly. After test, the tester told me that I should look back through my right shoulder, but I did it oppositely. Why? I was self-educated, and Emma was my example. As she is tiny and could not look on the road, so she has to look around the mirror. Oh God! I need to wait a while now.

我有点郁闷,就去参加pineview的cookout。遇见我的邻居Longe,谈到DR.Larkin的Acts to Revelation特别难,我说我好像过了。他就问,你是幸免遇难吗?我说,不是,我是拿到A了。不过我不知道哪里查询成绩。Longe就说,去网站的某处可以看。

So there was a cookout at pineview. My neighbor Longe told me that acts to rev is very difficult, but I said I passed. He said, you meant you survived? No, I just thought I got a A. So Longe told me to check it.


And I checked, it is A. Systematic Theology 2 is also A, but Porphets is A-, which is good. For I don’t want to get all A graduated, and heard my professor saying that I need a C to grow up.



Next semester will be greek, gospels, systematic theology 1, and if possible, psalms. But emma did not get her F1 viva yet, so she may not take 3 classes, and I may pick one from hers. Hard to say.

但是希腊文是一定要学习的,大纲上一看,Dr.dixon要求买Logos软件的Original Language数据库,一下就是200多美元,心痛呀!没办法,还是买了。一大堆各种希腊文,希伯来文,亚兰文,叙利亚文的手稿。以前想买也下不了手的,现在都买了。呵呵。

But greek is for sure. syllabus says we need to buy Logos Original language Library by Dr. Dixon, over 200 dollars, what a pain! so I bought it. so many greek, hebrew, aramaic, Syriac, and many other manuscripts, which i can entertain myself for the rest of my life.






there is a snake on the road to CIU.