波斯顿评论有一篇很重要的文章,《时间是衡量自由的普遍标准》,值得每个人仔细阅读。 作者认为,对于新美国经济而言,时间是一种普遍流通的现金,也已经成为衡量自由程度的普遍标准和主战场。所以,关于“996”的讨论曾经引起了国际上的广泛关注,认为是一个重要的争取自由的斗争。 引用这篇文章的第一段: The workplace has been a central battleground in the debate over freedom. On the clock, bosses tell us how to act and what to do, even around basic bodily functions: workers can be told when they can use the bathroom. Bosses also exert a significant amount of control over our personal lives, dictating limits on speech and our political actions. Governments can imprison us for breaking their rules; bosses can fire us, depriving us of the basic resources we need to live....