Arusa Street

“Streams of Living Water” 读书笔记: 说方言的五旬节运动,让各个种族和语言、社会阶层和分离的人群融合在一起了。因为没有什么比天国的语言更能说明我们的身份,没有什么比说同一种圣灵相同的语言更让我们联合为一体的了。 First, Seymour understood clearly the implications of glossolalia for interracial reconciliation and community. This he saw in ways that Parham and many of the other white leaders never saw. As a son of slaves he understood Pentecost as a new Jubilee requiring the release of the broken and the bruised from their oppression. He consistently connected what was happening at Azusa Street with the Pentecostal outpouring in the second chapter of Acts, where the result of the “tongues like as of fire” was reconciliation between nations and races and cultures....

August 29, 2017 · 1 min · eddy