Capestone Project of Self-Care — personal plan

CHP 9113 Principles of Self-Care for Chaplains Biblical and Theological Principles of Self-Care Stress and burnout are among the major causes of pastor/missionary attrition.1 Many research reveals that the well-being of pastors is in danger because of their high stress, low vocational satisfaction, and role ambiguity.2 According to Brant (2010), self-care is the most important factor in mitigating clergy stress.3 But self-care apparently is also one of the most neglected factors in clergy’s life....

July 22, 2018 · 10 min · eddy


昨天傍晚,一群中国学生在外面的草坪上遛娃。闲聊之间,说起下学期选课的问题,几乎所有人都选了一门“biblical teaching”。我们就聊起带领查经班和讲道的不同之处,然后就说到了我这个名义上的“师兄”上过的几门讲道学课程以及各个教授的教学风格。 后来,大家比较感兴趣教牧学博士的课程和道学硕士的课程有何不同。我的感受是两点:客观上看,教学大纲上反映出来的工作量大20%;主观上看,博士的课程在课堂讨论上要深刻不少。 大体上,参加教牧学博士课程的学生都有多年的牧会或者宣教经验,或者是教会的主人牧师,机构的领袖之类。在课堂分享的时候,大家谈论的问题和见解,常常比道学硕士的课堂要深入,甚至许多人的水平和教授不相上下。而道学硕士的课堂,有大概一半的人没有牧会经验,或者不是全职服侍,或者刚刚进入宣教工场不久,所以在讨论上质量往往会差一点。 如果实在要细说,CIU的教牧学博士里基本上没见过神经病,而硕士水平上我倒是见过不少“不正常”的人。 教牧学博士不需要艰辛的学术研究,只需要一个项目报告即可毕业。我最近看了不少关于牧师自我关顾的教牧学博士论文,举例如下: Weise, Russell. 1993. “Burnout in the Pastoral Ministry: The Need for Clear Boundaries.” Diss. of D. Min., Concordia Seminary – Saint Louis. White, James Arthur. 2013. “Characteristics of Successful Pastors.” PhD Thesis, Temple University. Kayler, Claude J. 2011. “Clergy Stress: A Study of Stressors and Stress-Relieving Practices among United Methodist Clergy across Three Districts of the Western North Carolina Conference.” Diss. Asbury Theological Seminary....

July 14, 2018 · 1 min · eddy