

I’m sorry I had to text you this way, I checked your profile and got to notice you will be perfect for our current pending freelance job.
Briefly, the Projects are different pages that need to be translated with same price of $25 per page, we hope to hire you! I’m sorry I won’t be available for while
If you are interested kindly reach our project manager telegrm
>(@Freddiel_lyod). He will direct you on the Project.
hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you”

其实我应该立刻看出这是骗子,拉黑了事。比如这段留言的草率,不职业,以及大写的骗子提示词“I’m sorry I won’t be available for while”,以及整篇的语法问题。

但我还是加了那位“project manager”,图片上看是一个西装革履的老绅士。但加上这人后,我就有点疑惑了。这时我看到了smartCAT上的另一个留言:

Good day! We’ve taken a quick look at your profile and think you’d be a great fit for the many data entry, copywriting, translation and creative writing jobs we have available. Our office wants you to complete this task, and we are now looking for qualified independent contractors like you to work on some of our backlog projects. You can write the project master at “Audreyraph”’ on telgram. He will tell you everything you need to know about the projects.

大写的骗子提示词是,“You can write the project master at “Audreyraph”’ on telgram”,这语法实在太破碎。


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