直到2018年格鲁登出版的“Christian Ethics: An Introduction to Biblical Moral Reasoning”一书仍然教导,基督徒只有两种情况下允许离婚:1)一方犯了奸淫之罪(马太福音 19:9);2)不信的一方遗弃配偶(哥林多前书 7:15)。

但是,据格鲁登自己的说法,他和妻子最近遇见数起严重而长期的家暴案例,让他重新思考关于离婚的立场。格鲁登对“今日基督教”杂志说,“In all these situations the abused spouse had kept silent, believing that a Christian’s duty was to preserve the marriage unless there was adultery or desertion, which had not happened.”(在所有这些案例中,教会的立场是认定在配偶没有犯奸淫也没有遗弃另一方的情况下,基督徒有责任维持婚姻,于是逼使被虐待的配偶长期保持沉默,因为上述条件并未出现。)


Earlier proponents of accepting abuse as grounds for divorce have pointed to Paul’s use of the verb “separate” in 1 Corinthians 7:15, arguing that the verse applies to a spouse fleeing the home for protection. But Grudem previously was not convinced. 以前有人认为婚内虐待的情况可以离婚,但他们的理由是,保罗在哥林多前书7:15中所用的动词“离去”表示配偶的一方为了保护自己而讨论家庭。但是格鲁登之前并不接受这种解释。

The verse reads: “But if the unbelieving partner separates, let it be so. In such cases the brother or sister is not enslaved. God has called you to peace” (1 Cor. 7:15 ESV, italics added). (这一节经文是:“倘若那不信的人要离去,就由他离去罢!无论是弟兄,是姊妹,遇着这样的事都不必拘束。神召我们原是要我们和睦。”(林前7:15,ESV/和合本,斜体为强调而加上。))

“Most commentaries assume that ‘in such cases’ refers only to cases of desertion by an unbeliever,” said Grudem. But upon further examination, he realized that the phrase appears nowhere else in the Bible. Grudem looked at 52 uses of the phrase in ancient Greek literature and found that “in such cases” usually does not just refer to the one scenario the writer already mentioned (i.e. an unbelieving partner) but to scenarios similar to that one. (格鲁登说,“大多数注释假定‘遇着这样的事’指的是被不信的配偶遗弃的案例。”但是,经过进一步检查,他意识到这个短语在圣经中仅见于此。于是格鲁登检查了古代希腊文献中52处出现这个短语的地方,发现“遇着这样的事”通常并不单单指作者所提及的那种情况(换句话说,不信的配偶),而是指的类似这样的情况。

“These examples led me to conclude that in 1 Cor. 7:15, the phrase “in such cases” should be understood to include any cases that similarly destroy a marriage,” said Grudem. Therefore, he concluded that abuse is such a case. (“这些例子帮助我得出结论,林前7:15中“遇着这样的事”应当理解为包括了任何破坏婚姻的情况,”格鲁登说。因此,他认为虐待属于上述情况之一。)

目前为止,大约55%的福音派教会牧师们赞成格鲁登。格鲁登说,他在福音派神学协会年会(Evangelical Theological Society annual meeting)上的主题演讲,“Grounds for Divorce: Why I Now Believe There Are More than Two”,得到大多数人的正面评价和赞赏。


格鲁登的系统神学教材和基督教伦理学教材被许多神学院选为教材或参考书,他的观点改变,有可能对教会处理离婚问题的立场带来深远的影响。而这一切的来源,竟然是对“ἐν τοῖς τοιούτοις”这个短语的释经分析。

