The first week is very busy.
I have 4 classes: Greek 3, Teaching, Preaching, and The Mission of God. Within 3 months in China, not even my Greek, but also my English is gone. Lots of sweet to catch back the Greek.
Need to find a cross-cultural unbeliever to build a relation with and share the Gospel to. Where is such kind of person, I am praying.
Need to write 3 sermons and 2 teaching drafts, and read tons of books.
Need to translate and do some exegesis of Philippians from original language.
Then is my regular job to take care of David. We will read, walk, hug, ride, hide and seek, bath, eat and sleep together. A lot of fun.
Then comes the real job. From Mon-Fri, clean the Fisher Building every night after 9pm!!!
We join a new planting church named Columbia Presbyterian Church and had our first Sunday worship together the last Sunday. Much more exciting!
这学期要学习4门课, Greek3,Preaching for transformation, teaching for transformation, Mission of God. 3个月过去,希腊文和英文都忘的差不多了。最近很辛苦要复习希腊文。
Emma有3门课,Greek 1, gospels,Hermanutics .
我和Emma新加入了一个教会,正在建立的哥伦比亚长老教会(PCA)。上周日是我们第一次礼拜。地点在main Street的一个画廊里面。有美妙的咖啡,儿童主日学和音乐。David居然睡着了。